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The Housing & Development Board (HDB) and Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) stated that motorists will be able to purchase new parking coupon starting from tomorrow (12 October).

In June 2016, HDB and URA announced a revision in public car park charges that will come into effect from 1 December 2016. New parking coupons will apply from the same day.

Short-term parking rates for HDB and URA car parks:hdb1

Other fee adjustments for HDB and URA car parks:hdb2

Motorists are able to purchase the new coupons at all HDB Branches/Service Centres, The URA Centre, and authorised coupon agents such as all petrol stations, Cheers, and 7-Eleven outlets.

They also said that motorists can exchange old parking coupons for new ones by topping up the difference in value at 155 locations islandwide. These include 131 petrol stations, in addition to the 23 HDB Branches/Service Centres and The URA Centre.

Coupon exchange at the participating petrol stations will be available from 1 December 2016 to 31 January 2017.


For motorists who wish to exchange their coupons earlier, they can do so at any of the HDB Branches/Service Centres and The URA Centre from 12 October 2016. There is no deadline for the exchange at these locations.

For further enquiries on the sale and exchange of parking coupons, motorists can call the following numbers:

  • HDB: 1800 225 5432
  • URA: 6329 3434
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