Source : Wikipedia.

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) announced on Sunday (2 October) that about 840,000 Singaporean HDB households will receive the next instalment of the GST Voucher – Utilities-Save (U-Save) rebate in October 2016.

It stated that those living in 1- and 2-room HDB flats are able to offset about 3 to 4 months of utilities bills on average with their regular GST Voucher – U-Save annualy. While, those living in 3- and 4-room HDB flats are able to offset about 1 to 2 months of utilities bills on average. 

The GST Voucher – U-Save rebate forms one of three components under the permanent GST Voucher scheme. The U-Save rebate help HDB households offset part of their utilities bills. It is distributed every quarter and expected to cost $190 million annually.

Eligible Singaporean households will each receive a GST Voucher – U-Save of up to $65 in October 2016, depending on their HDB flat type listed on the table below:


For more information on the GST Voucher – U-Save, members of the public can call SP Services at 6671 7117, or email [email protected]. More information on the GST Voucher can also be found at

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