Source : Shutterstock.

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) has arrested a man and a woman for their suspected involvement in a case of misusing boarding passes on 16 September 2016 at the transit area of Changi Airport.

According to the police, investigations revealed that both suspects allegedly entered the transit area to purchase Apple’s iPhone 7 and had no intention to leave Singapore. It added that investigations against the suspects are ongoing.

The iPhone 7 and 7s was launched in Singapore on 16 September. Long queues formed at phone retailers and some customers even flew in from overseas to get their hands on a set.

The police said it had arrested 15 persons in connection to offences under the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act since January 2016.

In their statement, the police reminded members of the public that the transit areas of Changi Airport are gazetted as Protected Places. Therefore, all passengers who enter the transit hall with a boarding pass should only be there for the purpose of travelling to their destination.

Those who abuse their boarding pass to enter the transit areas, with no intention to proceed to their next destination, are liable to be charged for an offence under the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act. Offenders may be prosecuted in court and are liable on conviction to a fine of $1,000 and/or imprisonment for a term of two years.


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