Source : Shutterstock.

By Chris Kuan :

This is an interesting chart from Bloomberg about Singapore household balance sheet, based on data from Singstat. A few things jump out. Bear in mind Singapore’s GDP is around $420b.

The massive savings surplus – a tad over $1 trillion in deposits, shares and securities, life insurance, pension funds and CPF. This is just a little over $300b in liabilities – credit card, car loans, HDB loans and loans from financial institutions. If Singaporeans are asset rich and cash poor, this assumption is not supported by the data. Or, the top quintile is extremely cash rich leaving the rest cash poor – which is likely to be closer to the truth.

Deposits and currencies at just under $380b are the largest source of savings. This rather tells us about the contradiction in the savings habit – people are risk averse, thus keeping more than required in deposits which given the historically low-interest rates, loses purchasing power due to inflation and cost of living. The banks are….. well laughing their way to the bank. This explains the surprisingly high profitability of local banks despite their high capital ratios.

Next, the huge wealth locked up in housing. Over and above the savings surplus, households have $440b worth of public housing and $410b worth of private housing giving total housing assets of $850b, bigger than the net savings, let alone CPF.

Given the numbers, we should be little surprise that the huge amount of wealth locked in housing is a temptation few politicians including ours, can resist. Hence the burden of financing healthcare and retirement spending is shifted from the government towards households through its control of the land bank. By doing so this also gives the government easy fiscal policy options through which it targeted politically expedient spending, i.e. taking away your household savings on one hand through a housing and then provide benefits if you do not have enough to retire or to take care of your health, making you dependent on government largesse. You should know why elevated real estate prices and monetizing the value of housing is such a cornerstone of government policy – they give it the means to be both fiscally sustainable and the PAP to be politically indispensable to the voters. But fiscal sustainability and political expedience do not come without consequences. Just do not mention who gets to bear them.



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本地著名写词人邢增华病逝 享年59岁

本地著名华语歌作词人邢增华于今日病逝,享年59岁。 据悉,邢增华去年12月被诊断患有淋巴癌,且已到第四期,于本周一入住加护病房后,今早6时许传出病逝消息。 邢增华是我国的著名写词人,更曾在高中同学彭秀梅的介绍下,认识了许环良和巫启贤等歌手,后来在飞鹰唱片和巫启贤相遇,成为巫启贤的御用写词人之一。 自80年代从事写词至今,留下了首首动听的歌曲,其中包括张学友的《一千个伤心的理由》、刘德华的《心酸》和《峰回路转》、巫启贤的《路弯弯》、《我真的要走了》、《赶在年轻的前方》等,享誉国内外,是我国的骄傲。 它曾于1989年第三届新乐奖中,以《你是我的唯一》荣获最佳作词人 – 最佳作此作品,和最高荣誉奖。1997年她在新加坡词曲作家协会奖中,以《一千个伤心的理由》夺得最佳本地中文流行歌曲,以及在1997年新视红星大奖上,以《和平的代价》夺得最佳电视剧主题曲。 她生前也是新加坡词曲版权协会成员,除了写词,邢增华也涉及多方面的艺术创作,包括曾担任于90年代《波西米亚》杂志的主要开创者之一,也是多家中文杂志和多个大型静动态美术设计项目的创意和艺术总监。 国内外好友倍感痛心 邢增华的离去,让国内外的亲友和合作歌手都倍感伤心。据《优周》指出,远在北京工作的巫启贤接获有关消息时表示震惊,并指出上周还和死者联系,约定会在数天内返回我国探望病中的她,岂知已经来不及了。 和邢增华相识多年的梁文福,接受《早报》访问时表示,上个月就知晓好友生病了,昨日更是接获信息指邢增华病情危急,对于失去一个交心的好友感到难过。 梁文福和邢增华并没有直接的音乐合作机会,但是邢增华曾设计梁文福在2016年专辑《我听到天开始亮了》的封面和内页。而梁文福创作的《三行诗》,选图和排版也是由邢增华负责。梁文福也在脸书上赋诗悼念好友。

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