Dr Lee Wei Ling pays tribute to her father, late Founding Minister Lee Kuan Yew on his birthday, 16 September , expressing that her father’s wish is to be honoured as an example of an outstanding Singaporean and not one to be hero-worshipped.

She wrote in a Facebook post on Friday evening that her father would be 93 if he were still alive. She wrote that Mr Lee lived a full life, committing most of his time and energy to advancing Singapore and Singaporeans’ welfare.

She goes on to state that Mr Lee did so with no ulterior motives, abjuring any personality cult in spite of well-meaning intentions of his fellow Singaporeans, although many might disagree with her assessment of Mr Lee’s motivations.

Dr Lee goes on to state that her father is a rare politician and statesman who dedicated himself to his nation because it was the right thing to do.

She wrote, “He did not want to be hero worshipped, and throughout the last years of his life, he tried to get a promise from the Singapore government that his marital house would be demolished, so that it would not become a relic for veneration, and also because he knew how strongly Mama wanted her private life to remain private.”

Dr Lee pointed out that Mr Lee had added a last paragraph to his will as the Cabinet refused to allow the demolishment of his house at Oxley.

The last paragraph writes, “It is my wish and the wish of my late Wife Kwa Geok Choo, that our house at 38 Oxley Road, Singapore 238629, be demolished immediately after my death or, if my Daughter, Wei Ling, would prefer to continue living in the original house, immediately after she moves out of the House.”

In Parliament in April, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had said: “If and when Dr Lee Wei Ling no longer lives in the house, Mr Lee has stated his wishes as to what then should be done. At that point, speaking as a son, I would like to see these wishes carried out. However, it will be up to the Government of the day to consider the matter.”

Dr Lee wrote, “In this age where prestige and power attract unscrupulous people to enter politics, Papa’s wish should be honoured as an example of an outstanding Singaporean who did not want to be hero-worshipped. To preserve the house sends a wrong message to Singapore’s politicians and aspiring politicians. It is also impossible to say we honour him and dishonour his only request of Singaporeans.”

In an earlier Facebook post, Dr Lee accused PM Lee, who is also her brother, of abusing his power to build a dynasty. She also asserted that Singapore Press Holding of being controlled by the interests of the ‘powers that be*’ She even went as far as to call him ‘a dishonorable son’ and insisted that she would not allow her father’s name to be sullied by him.

Read: Dr Lee refers her brother as a “dishonorable son” and accuses him of abusing power to ‘build a dynasty’

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