Source : Shutterstock.

The National Environment Agency (NEA) reported that between 4 to 10 September, there were 242 cases of dengue infection diagnosed.

The number of cases has dropped from the previous week which saw the case hiked to over than 300 cases for the first time since March. As of 3 pm on 13 September, it reported that another 50 cases were reported.

Source : NEA.
Source : NEA.

The total people infected with dengue have reached 11,553 cases. This has exceeded the total cases reported on the whole 2015 with 11,286 cases.

NEA has stressed that Singapore is in the midst of traditional peak dengue season. Therefore, it is anticipating for the hiked in the numbers of cases.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) warned that the number of cases this year might reach more than 30,000 cases, almost double the number of 11,286 cases reported in 2015. This means that this year will be marked as the highest cases report in history, exceeding 22,170 cases reported in 2013, based on the speed of infections in the start of the year.

Currently, there are 64 active dengue clusters across the island, with 13 areas classified as high risk. A cluster in Bedok Rise has the highest risk with 60 cases reported, 7 of which were diagnosed in the past fortnight.


Source : NEA.
Source : NEA.

Minister for Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli that between January and July this year NEA conducted about 748,000 inspections for mosquito breeding habitats to manage the spread of dengue and to tackle the Zika virus.

However, members of the public are reminded to do the 5-steps mozzie wipeout, with these top 5 breeding habitats at home to be taken care of.

Source : NEA.
Source : NEA.


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