Ever sent a letter that was returned to you because of a wrong address written?

Well, that didn’t happen to the letter which was received by Rebecca Cathrine Kaadu Ostenfel, the owner of a farm where she lives with her family, her husband and three children.

A tourist had earlier spent days at the farm which located near Búðardalur in the west of Iceland and wanted to write a letter to the host, despite the fact the tourist forgot the address of the farm.

Therefore, instead of writing the proper address, the tourist wrote:

“Country: Iceland. City: Búðardalur. Name: A horse farm with an Icelandic/Danish couple and three kids and a lot of sheep!”

Then extra information was added, “The Danish woman works in a supermarket in Búðardalur.”

The tourist then drew a map on the envelope and put it into a bottle. She threw her “bottle” to the letter box and ended up in the hands of the postal service of the Icelandic capital Reykjavík.

Somehow, the local postal service manages to deliver the letter and to the right address.

The mail was sent earlier in March this year. But it was only in May, that the story was become famous when a local Icelandic news website, Skessuhorn, posted the story and said “anything is possible in Iceland”. Then it went viral on social media after a photo of the envelope was posted on Reddit.


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