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The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) has announced in a press release that young men serving the National Service (NS) will be able to choose from 33 vocations across the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Police Force (SPF), and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) starting from November 2017.

Source : MINDEF.
Source : MINDEF.

Earlier in March 2013, The Committee to Strengthen NS (CSNS) was set up to examine how the National Service (NS) system could be strengthened for the future, to better serve Singapore and Singaporeans. Later in June 2014, the Government accepted the 30 recommendations proposed by the Committee.

Currently, National Servicemen (NSFs) are deployed to vocations based on several considerations. The manpower and operational requirements of the SAF, SCDF and SPF, as well as an individual’s physical fitness and suitability to perform the requisite tasks of each vocation are among the considerations. These factors will remain the main considerations. However, pre-enlistees who would be going for pre-enlistment medical screening from the end of this year will also have their interests taken into consideration.

NS enlistment is carried out over four quarterly intakes starting in November, February, May and August.

Starting from November 2016, the first cohort of pre-enlistees will be asked to indicate their vocation interest when they report at the Central Manpower Base (CMPB) for their pre-enlistment procedures. Once they have completed their basic training in the SAF, SCDF or SPF, they would receive their vocation posting.

The statement said that the vocations available in the SAF, SCDF and SPF will be organised into seven categories; three in the SAF with a total of 15 vocations, and two in the SCDF with a total of eight vocations, and two in the SPF with a total of ten vocations.

Pre-enlistees can indicate their interest in two or more vocations from each category. They would also have an option to indicate that they have no specific interest amongst the vocations.

Further information on the 33 NS vocations will be accessible on the CMPB website from 11 September 2016.

Source : MINDEF.
Source : MINDEF.
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