Photo from Wikipedia

In a letter submitted to the ST forum on Monday (July 25), Land Transport Authority (LTA) will require the registration of power-assisted bicycles/ e-bikes for more effective enforcement against illegal modification.

Ms Helen Lim,  Group Director of LTA’s Corporate Communications Group wrote the letter in response to another letter in the ST forum by Mr Anthony Dass. Mr Dass has suggested that it is time for the motorised bikes to be licensed and issued with number plates for easy identification and tracking and commented that authorities should enhance checks and enforcement against riders of such bikes.

Ms Lim said that the registration is part of a set of recommendations submitted to the Government by the Active Mobility Advisory Panel to promote the safe and gracious sharing of paths.

The registration is also said to enhance the LTA’s enforcement against the use of non-compliant and illegally modified e-bikes.

Under the panel’s recommendations, the use of e-bikes will be allowed only on shared and cycling paths, as they are generally wider as compared to footpaths.

Users of e-bikes must also adhere to a speed limit of 25kmh, as well as practise safe riding habits, such as giving way to pedestrians, when they are on shared and cycling paths.

Ms Lim noted that E-bikes can also be used on the roads.

Currently, only low-powered EN15194-compliant models of e-bikes approved by the LTA and affixed with an LTA seal are allowed for use.

It is said that under the regulations, the electric motor can cut in only when the rider starts to pedal, and it must be progressively reduced and finally cut off if the rider stops pedalling or when the e-bike reaches 25kmh.

More details will be announced by LTA by the end of this year.

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