Handcuffs – Image from Shutterstock

Amos Yee, the teenager who was found guilty for hurting the feelings of Christians and posting an obscene image online last year,  was arrested by the police on Wednesday and since released on bail.
In response to media queries, the police said that a 17-year-old male Singaporean had been arrested for offences under Sections 174 and 298 of the Penal Code.
The police spokesman said, “The offence under section 298 of the Penal Code relates to online remarks made in November 2015 that contained offensive and disparaging remarks against various religious communities,”
Amos was ordered to report to a police station for investigations after the police reports were lodged, but he did not do so.
“The subject disregarded the notice and left the country shortly thereafter, and remained overseas for a prolonged period until his return in April 2016,” said the spokesman.
Upon his return, he was served a Warrant of Attendance issued by the State Courts to report again, but failed to do so. The police added that investigations are ongoing.
Some speculate that the charge faced by Amos on Section 298 is due to the blog post made in reference to former Nominated Member of Parliament, Calvin Cheng’s comment to kill children of terrorists. In the 828-worded blog post, there is a line that disparages the Islam religion.
But according to Amos himself in December 2015, the likely reason for his charge is due to a post that was made on 28 November 2015 (The post has since been removed by Facebook due to comments that are “anti-religion”). The comments made by Amos on this Facebook post match the description of the police’s statement, “offensive and disparaging remarks against various religious communities”.
Amos is now out of police’s custody after being bailed by his mother
Section 174 – failure to attend in obedience to an order from a public servant
Section 298 – Uttering words, etc., with deliberate intent to wound the religious or racial feelings of any person

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路透社民调:63巴仙国人认同 网络公开表达政见易惹麻烦

根据路透社发布2018年数码新闻报告显示,我国有63巴仙接受民调调查者认为,公开在网络表达政治意见容易令他们招惹麻烦。 该报告民调探寻何以网络用户减少对脸书依赖,转向如Whatsapp社交媒体获取和分享新闻资讯。报告指出这可能是用户需要一个较安全的管道来自由表达意见,这也是为何信息交流媒体的市场,在较专制国家如土耳其、马来西亚和香港发展更为蓬勃。 例如在土耳其,两年前总统埃尔多安监禁政治对手、让媒体噤声,使得加密式的交流软件如WhatApp在当地更受欢迎。至于马来西亚则在去年通过《假新闻法》,赋权政府惩戒任何被指传播“假新闻”者。 至于我国有63巴仙受访者,则认同在网络表达政治意见回三思而行,因为这可能让自身惹上麻烦。   社交媒体和信息交流媒体如WhatsApp都普遍成为人民分享、发布贴文,甚至新闻传播网站了,这个情况在新加坡更为显见,75巴仙国人几乎都是用智能手机阅览新闻。而且,国人对新闻的信任度并没有受到假新闻或错误信息影响,还比2017年增加至47巴仙。 2018数据新闻报告,根据包括新加坡在内37国、7万4000多名在线消费者展开了调查,探询群众对网络新闻的消费模式。有关报告着重于信任和假信息、新的网络商业模式、新平台和信息应用程序的兴起等课题。 路透社指出,有关的报告显示了新闻业界有“生机”。 有关调查显示,由于在脸书上的发表、帖文和分享新闻有了具体的下降,社交媒体已经开始在美国、英国和法国等一些主要市场中出现。 七成国人靠手机阅览新闻 然而,新加坡的社交媒体使用量却比2017年增加了,达到了63巴仙。 据路透社报道指出,网络新闻网站和社交媒体将继续成为新加坡的主要新闻来源,因为75巴仙人口都是通过智能手机获取新闻。在本地社交媒体平台中,WhatsApp广受人民欢迎,42巴仙受访者表示都使用它来获取新资讯,而脸书仍然是主导者,占了受访者的52巴仙,比前年下降了3巴仙。…

【选举】“行走的广告”? 在衣服上设QR码,不用接触也能做宣传!

最近频传大选即将来临的消息,各党也开始蠢蠢欲动,但碍于疫情的影响,在保持社交距离之下,又该如何宣传? 新加坡前进党党员毕博渊(Brad Bowyer)团队突发奇想,当起“行走的广告”,将QR码设计在衣服上,让民众可以以“扫码”就得知潜在候选人的相关信息,既能保持社交距离,也能让民众快速了解和认识他们。 毕博渊今日(10日)在脸书上晒出两张印着QR码的照片,并写下,“当你想要向人宣传可是碍于无法近距离接触,你只能发挥天马行空的创意。” 只能说社交距离激发大家的想象,让人发挥无限创意。


副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰,今日在国会总结新财年政府财政政策辩论时,宣布所有部长、政治职务者都将减薪一个月、国会议员也将减少一个月的津贴。 他表示此举是为了与国人共度时艰。 此外,总统哈莉玛也同样减薪一月,部分高级公务员也减薪半个月。 他在致辞中也指出,企业和管理高层和工会及工友站在同一阵线,政治领导也会和公务员及人民合作,共同抗疫。 “新加坡得以对疫情作出有效反应,这是因为人民和政府之间的相互信任。”