3,346 cartons of contraband cigarettes were found in a Malaysia-registered lorry at Woodlands Checkpoint at around 5 pm on 6 May.
The lorry was driven by a 39-year-old Malaysian man. Upon reaching the Woodlands Checkpoint, officers of the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) called for further checks to be made to the lorry.
The lorry carried at consignment which declared to contain 100 rolls of “Single-Face Roll Papers”. The consignment has since been handed over to the Singapore Customs.
After further inspection, ICA officers found the cartons of duty-unpaid cigarettes concealed in the modified compartment on the roof of the lorry.
In a statement by the ICA, it was estimated that the potential duty and Goods and Services Tax (GST) of the contraband cigarettes amounted to $259,650 and $26,140 respectively.
The vehicle used in the commission of such offences is liable to be forfeited, ICA said. It also reported that the driver of the lorry is currently assisting with further investigations.
The ICA emphasised that security checks will continue to be conducted on passengers and vehicles at checkpoints to prevent attempts to smuggle in undesirable persons, drugs and other contrabands.

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