Train services on the East-West Line were disrupted on Friday morning due to a track fault.
Train operator, SMRT announced in a tweet at 7.09am to inform commuters to expect an additional 15 minutes travelling time from Tanah Merah to Aljunied stations, in the direction of Joo Koon.

SMRT said that the train service was delayed between Tanah Merah and Aljunied on Friday morning due to a train fault.

At 7.38am, SMRT revised the delay time to 20 mins.

At 7.55am, SMRT further increased the estimated travelling time to 25 mins.

At 7.59am, SMRT announces the service to be avaliable on East-West Line but falls short of announcing whether the service is back to normal. According to LTA, any disruption of more than 5 mins is considered a disruption.

Commuter’s complain on Twitter about the disruption.
Earlier on 1 March, Minister for Transport, Khaw Boon Wan spoke in parliament about the two options of the Cross-Island Line. In response to the idea of choosing the longer but environmental friendly route, he said, “We know this because when a train gets disrupted and there’s a one-minute delay, within that minute, they can send out maybe 100 tweets to flame LTA or SMRT. So one minute is a lot of time, let alone six minutes. That’s why in the rail industry, they define disruption as anything that causes a delay of more than five minutes and six is more than five.”
Would Minister Khaw be counting the tweets in today’s disruption?
And as what is observed in previous instances, the delay continues even after SMRT announces that the service line is still working.

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