COE results 9 march
Source: Land Transport Authority (LTA)
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) received 7,864 bids at the end of the March first open bidding exercise for Certificates of Entitlement (COEs). Of these, 3,985 were successful.
Cat A quota in the whole of 2013 is only 8,534.

We are only the 5th bidding round into 2016 and Cat A quota released so far this year (9,438) has already surpassed the entire quota of 2013.
Yo-yo COE supply is causing this price instability. In 2013, the average price of Cat A COE was $74,690. In 2015, this further declined to $60,601. Now in 2016, the average price so far is $46,191 (a drop of almost 40% compared to 2013).
See for the historical value of COE prices in Singapore.
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