On 26 January, 14-year-old Benjamin Lim Jun Hui jumped to his death from outside his 14th-floor HDB flat. Earlier that day, he was held under custody by the police for 3 and a half hours at Ang Mo Kio Police Division for the molestation of a girl on 25 January.
In response to questions about the police protocol that was followed in handling Benjamin, Acting Minister for Education, Ng Chee Meng gave a statement yesterday, detailing an 8-step procedure police and staff are to follow that is “not new to our schools”.

  1. School staff will be discreet when bringing the student to meet with the police. They will ensure that no undue attention is drawn to the student.
  2. School leaders will ascertain the student’s physical and emotional well-being before letting the police speak to the student. School leaders will also request that the number of police officers speaking to the student be kept to a minimum.
  3. School staff will request to be present if an initial interview is to be conducted at the school.
  4. Should the police decide to bring the student to a police station for further questioning, the school will request that the police contact one of the student’s parents to inform them the situation and location the student will be brought to. The school will also ensure that the student has something to eat if hungry.
  5. The school will request the student not be handcuffed and be escorted to the police vehicle discreetly. However, the police retain final decision to use handcuffs depending on circumstances.
  6. After the student is released by police, school staff will be in contact with parents of the student to provide support and plan follow-up steps to ensure the well-being of the student.
  7. When the student returns to school, the school will monitor the well-being of the student.
  8. The school will ensure the confidentiality of the student’s identity and the on-going police investigations.

Mr Ng noted that this procedure had been followed in Benjamin’s case but that it would be updated when needed, possibly including “the presence of a school staff as an appropriate adult at the police station”.
It is stated by the Minister of Home Affairs and Law, Mr K Shanmugam and Mr Ng that Benjamin was not accompanied by parents nor school staff when he was taken by plain clothes police officers from North View Secondary School. He was also unaccompanied when interviewed by a police officer as it is disallowed by existing police protocol.

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回溯去年大选,人民行动党政府驳斥民主党,强调政府没有所谓“一千万人口”的规划目标;去年10月,总理公署部长英兰妮也在国会宣称,政府在2018年曾预测,截至2030年,新加坡的总人口数可能会低于690万人。 英兰妮当时也表示,2019年新加坡民生育率达到1.14,与2018年相同。 武吉巴督山坡树林保育发起人Jimmy Tan,对此不禁困惑,假设直到2030年,新加坡总人口可能大大低于690万人,为何政府仍执迷大事开发树林,建造更多组屋住房呢? Jimmy Tan今日(12日)在脸书上持续公开为武吉巴督山坡丛林发声,重申武吉巴督山坡丛林的重要性,以及质问砍伐树林建造住房的目的。 他表示,自去年8月发动联署开始,已获得近1万支持,除了武吉巴督的居民外,其实乌鲁班丹、榜鹅、白沙林一带的居民,也面对附近树林或自然生态栖息地逐渐减少的隐忧。 “这些居民之所以选择在当地定居,是因为可以和大自然亲近、空气清新,偶尔能够看见野生动物,以及享受宁静的片刻。当你看见如此幸福的保护区和自然栖息地,被他们以开发房产地的名义夺走,真的感到很悲伤。” 他续指,与其破坏成熟的次生林(secondary forest),不如将预购组屋(BTO)在一些开发建筑地,或棕地(废弃工业或商业用地)上建造会或许会更好。 另一方面,他也质疑尤其在生育率低的时代,为何仍需要不停建造组屋,甚至不惜破坏已不多的树林,就是为了建造更多住房空间。 “有报道指出,鉴于最近的趋势,截至2030年,我国的总人口可能大大低于690万,为何仍需破坏武吉巴督部分森林,以建造更多住房空间。”…