Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has expressed his shock and dismay over by news of the bomb attacks in Jakarta on Thursday, 14 January.
In his Facebook post, he added, ““We all are grieving for the fallen victims of this incident, but we also condemn the act that has disturbed the security and peace and spread terror among our people.” and ask Singaporeans to stay safe if they are in the Indonesian capital.
Six explosions were reported around Sarinah shopping mall in Jakarta, Indonesia. Five attackers and two other people confirmed dead from the incident with police stating they have taken control of the area.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo had urged his people to remain calm. “Our nation and our people should not be afraid, we will not be defeated by these acts of terror,” he said, in comments broadcast by MetroTV.
Singaporeans in Jakarta are advised to register at so that MFA staff can keep them posted of updates and give assistance if needed. Singaporeans can also contact the Singapore Embassy at +62 811 863 348 or the MFA 24-hr Duty Office at 63798800/55.

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