Source : Singapore Tourism Board.

Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) announced on 30 December in regards to several board changes at the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), including the appointment of a new Chairman, Mr Chaly Mah Chee Kheong.
Mr Chaly, former Chief Executive Officer of Deloitte Asia Pacific and Southeast Asia and former Chairman of Deloitte Singapore, will take over from Mr Chew Choon Seng as the Chairman of STB from 1 January 2017.
Mr Chew will be stepping down after completing a six-year tenure.
The other board changes are as follows, with all new appointments to take effect on 1 January 2017. Appointment of New Board Members

  • Mr. Allen Law, Chief Executive Officer, Park Hotel Group.
  • Ms. Joanna Flint, Country Director, Google Singapore.
  • Mr. Mohamad Saiful Saroni, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Singapore.
  • Mr. Prasad Menon, Former Chairman, Vistara Airlines Re-appointment of Board Member.
  • Ms. Christina Ong, Co-Chairman and Senior Partner, Allen & Gledhill LPP Stepping down of Board Members (upon completion of term on 31 Dec 2016).
  • Ms. Deborah Ong, Assurance Partner and Risk & Quality Partner, Pricewaterhousecoopers Singapore.
  • Ms. Jessica Tan, Member of Parliament, East Coast GRC.
  • Former Managing Director, Microsoft Singapore Mr Chaly Mah Chee Kheong (马志强).

MTI said that Mr Mah had served in Deloitte for over 38 years. Prior to his retirement on 31 May 2016, he was the Vice Chairman of Deloitte Global Board of Directors. He has extensive experience serving both multinational and local companies across a wide spectrum of industries, specialising in financial services, telecommunications and technology, real estate, private equity and manufacturing, which will be invaluable to STB. Mr Mah is currently the Chairman of the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, the Singapore Accountancy Commission, National University of Singapore Business School Accounting Advisory Board and is a board member of the National University of Singapore Board of Trustees, Singapore Economic Development Board and Sentosa Development Corporation.
Mr Chew Choon Seng has been the Chairman of STB since 2010. Mr Chew led STB on the journey of Quality Tourism to achieve sustainable growth, and was instrumental in upholding high standards of corporate governance and promoting a culture of openness at STB.
According to the Ministry, during his tenure, he led STB to successfully champion and execute major initiatives including the strategic partnerships with Changi Airport Group (CAG) and Singapore Airlines (SIA), as well as the Golden Jubilee campaign in 2015 to boost visitor arrivals and drive tourism spend.
He supported the promotion of Singapore as a leading destination in Asia for arts, entertainment and world-class sports events including BNP Paribas WTA Finals Singapore and HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series.
He also guided the development of a vibrant Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) scene in Singapore and growth of the regional cruise industry.
Thanking Mr Chew for his contributions, Mr Loh Khum Yean, Permanent Secretary for MTI, said, “Mr Chew Choon Seng has played a key role in shaping our tourism strategies over the past 6 years and helped make Singapore a choice destination for both leisure and business travellers. I would like to thank him for his invaluable contributions and leadership during his time with STB.”
“I wish him all the best in his future endeavours. I am confident that Mr Chaly Mah will continue to build on the good work and steer STB in its next exciting stage of development,” he added.
MTI stated that it also extends its appreciation to all outgoing board members for their invaluable contributions and welcomes the new board members.

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