By Lim Jia Liang

An email alleges that Dr. Daniel Goh had an extra-marital affair with a student he was guiding for her PhD. This was sent to various media outlets and Workers’ Party’s Secretary-General Low Thia Khiang and Chairperson Sylvia Lim.

Dr Goh writes in a Facebook post, “I categorically refute the baseless allegations and I question the timing of the poison pen letter coming immediately after the candidate introduction.”

“And the media is going to run the story online and in print. The timing is sensational. I categorically refute the baseless allegations and I question the timing of the poison pen letter coming immediately after the candidate introduction.”

Dr Goh was just recently announced as a candidate for Workers’ Party in the upcoming General Election on Wednesday.

In an article written by the Straits Times, Dr Goh states that he has no idea who the person who wrote the letter was.

He was alerted of the allegation whilst conducting his house visits. He has since contacted his wife via text message, who is standing behind him, stating that there was no need to convince her.

Dr Goh’s wife texted to him, “Forget it. Either you’re so threatening they need to stoop so low or they are so boh liao. I think your (all of you) time is better spent resting. Nothing to it. You know it’s bound to happen, gutter politics. No need to convince me. Make the meeting with Low chop chop. Tell him your wife says you need to sleep.”

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