Is Nicole Seah coming back to Singapore to volunteer with the Workers’ Party for the upcoming General Election?

The former National Solidarity Party (NSP) candidate who rose to stardom in the General Election 2011, said on her Facebook fanpage that while she would not be contesting in the General Election as a candidate, she would be coming back to Singapore to volunteer in the elections.

“I will come back to help, but not as candidate this round unfortunately,” wrote the 28-year-old digital manager who is based in Bangkok.

The comment is one of many in a discussion on Ms Seah’s fanpage posting of a link of a interview with He Ting Ru, highly expected to be a WP candidate.

In another of her comments, Ms Seah wrote “No I won’t be able to contest even if I join WP now. What I appreciate about WP is that they have very clear processes for candidacy and membership. There is no fast track or parachuting. So Ting Ru has really gotten to this point because of her hard work helping at the legal and grassroots level.”

Her remark is seen to be an endorsement of the Workers’ Party and its newest candidate for the General Election.

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