Dr Paul Tambyah at the NUSS political forum
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Professor Paul Ananth Tambyah has had a distinguished career, including being promoted to full professorship and given tenure in his work at the National University of Singapore in 2013.

Prof Tambyah is currently a Professor of Medicine at the NUS, and a Senior Consultant at the Division of Infectious Diseases at National University Hospital (NUH).

He is also a past president of the Society of Infectious Diseases (Singapore) and Secretary General of the Asia Pacific Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infection.

Besides his contributions towards the field of medicine, Prof Paul also puts his energy into working for a better society in Singapore.

He is currently a member of the executive committee of Action for Aids, a non-governmental organisation in Singapore that is dedicated to AIDS and HIV prevention, advocacy and support.

Until recently, he was one of the founding members of MARUAH, a human rights organisation in Singapore. He has since resigned, so that he could enter politics.

Prof Paul is widely expected to be a candidate for the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) in the upcoming elections.

The Online Citizen (TOC) caught up with Professor Paul and asks him about his journey from civil society into party politics, and his views on the healthcare system in Singapore.

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