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HDB carparks, a main source of noise



By HDB Dweller

In the report by Channel News Asia, “Double-glazed windows for HDB flats not necessary to reduce noise: MND“, Senior Minister of State, Lee Yi Shyan was quoted “multi-storey car parks are located between blocks and MRT lines or expressways to act as a noise buffer”.

Whilst this may be true at least 15 years ago, this is sadly no longer the case. These days, HDB carparks have become a main source of noise themselves.

1. With more vehicles parking at HDB carparks, more noise are generated.
2. The increased number of noisy vehicles with loud exhausts and illegally modifications amplified the “echo chamber” effect created by HDB Multi-storey carparks.
3. The increasing closeness of HDB blocks is making the situation worse.

So it’s high time Ministry of National Development and National Environmental Agency work closely to resolve the issue, or should Land Transport Authority also be involved?

The harm of noise pollution, I believe, is worst than that of air pollution in Singapore because it is happening all the time. And noise pollution is 1 of the worst enforced rules in Singapore. I went through the pain noise pollution from 6 high rise dwelling unit development and 1 MRT station construction in 18 years. It’s an ongoing cat-and-mouse game with the construction companies especially works that carried out at night.

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