hazel fazil
National Solidarity Party member Mohamed Fazli Talip (left), former NSP Secretary-General, Hazel Poa

National Solidarity Party (NSP) member, Mohamed Fazli Talip has just announced on his facebook page that he has submitted his resignation from the party with immediate effect.

Mr Fazli, 34, a branding consultant is a member of the central executive committee (CEC) of NSP.

In his Facebook post on Monday (Aug 24), he wrote: “With a heavy heart, I have submitted my resignation from NSP with immediate effect. I wish the party all the best of luck in the coming GE.”

According to media’s report, NSP’s CEC tried to convince Mr Fazli to stay on after sending his resignation letter via email.

Mr Fazli had earlier wrote on his Facebook account about the General Election. He wrote that the “future of Singapore lies in the hands of the electorates” and added that it does not mean that he is losing the battle even though morale is affected.

What is interesting, is that he went on to say that “the fight has to go on but in a better, fitter and more credible outfit and with a battalion of fighting comrades.”

Mr Fazli’s resignation follows the resignation of Ms Hazel Poa, former Secretary-General of NSP earlier last week.

Ms Poa attributed the reason behind her resignation to her disagreement over the decision to back away from the original decision of not to contest in MacPherson SMC in a 3 cornered fight against Workers’ Party (WP) and People’s Action Party (PAP).

She cited that she sees no choice other than to resign from the party, as the direction of the party that it has decided to pursue has deviated greatly from hers. Ms Poa also pointed out in her media statement that the position of sec gen in NSP is merely the role of a media spokesperson while the real leader of the party is the President.

Just this Monday, Mr Steve Chia who was supposed to be the NSP candidate for Machpherson SMC, announced via his personal Facebook account that he would not be contesting in MacPherson Single Member Constituency (SMC) and also would not be contesting in the upcoming General Election.

While Mr Chia did not clearly attributed the reason for his withdrawal from the election, but the content of the post suggests that the negativity surrounding NSP’s flip-flopping on the withdrawal from MacPherson SMC might have affected him much.

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