Photo: Channel NewsAsia

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has apologised for misspelling the name of Singapore’s first president, Yusof Ishak, in folders containing commemorative notes celebrating the country’s Golden Jubilee.

MAS added that stickers will be produced to correct the mistake, which spelt the name as “Yusok Ishak”. The corrected folders will be available at banks from 25 August, and stickers will also be made available to those who have already got their SG50 notes.

“This should never have happened, is not acceptable, and I take full responsibility.  I apologise on behalf of my colleagues who worked hard to prepare the notes and folders but are deeply disappointed that we made this most unfortunate mistake.  We will put this right,” TODAYonline reported MAS Managing Director Ravi Menon saying.

The folders, specifically designed to accompany the commemorative notes, are made available to individuals who make an exchange for any of the notes – no minimum amount is required. If two or more full sets of notes are exchanged, individuals will be entitled to another complimentary folder. A press release from MAS said that nine major retail banks – DBS Bank/POSB, OCBC, UOB, Bank of China, Citibank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Malayan Banking Berhad, Standard Chartered and HSBC – sponsored 2.8 million of these folders.

This isn’t the only time that Yusof Ishak’s name has been misspelled. For instance, a page on has also misspelled his name as “Yusok Ishak”:

Yusof Ishak misspelling

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