Following Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s traditional National Day Message, political parties have also released videos or statements to commemorate Singapore’s anniversary of independence.

The National Solidarity Party’s (NSP) Youth Wing produced a short video on maintaining Singapore’s values of kindness and integrity:

The video was accompanied by a National Day Message on the party’s website.

The Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) posted a National Day message on their Facebook page, emphasising the need for everyone to be able to “enjoy the fruits of our labour in a fair and just manner.” They also suggested a $500 incentive for the elderly to stay at home and care for their grandchildren, allowing young Singaporean parents to work.

The Singapore People’s Party (SPP) message was also posted on its website:

Singaporeans deserve a better quality of life. The government has been hinting about growing the population to 10 million, beyond its initial 6.9 million target. But they cannot even solve our public transport woes at the current population levels. Singaporeans also deserve better job and education opportunities, to help them compete on a fair footing in this globalised city-state and abroad.

Only a strong Opposition can guarantee the most rigorous check on the ruling party. It is our party’s duty to nudge the government in the right direction, in the best interests of Singaporeans who have toiled all their lives to build up the nation.

Jeanette Chong-Aruldoss, who will be contesting Mountbatten SMC for SPP, shared her thoughts in a blog post:

To keep our Mountbatten community strong, we need to preserve, promote and enhance the built environment of Mountbatten, as well as the local businesses that have taken root in the community and which sustain it.

Mountbatten is a small constituency, but one with a distinct identity. I believe Mountbatten, like Singapore, can punch above its weight if we get our priorities right.

While celebrating how far we’ve come as a nation economically and on the world stage, it’s important never to lose sight of the people and communities that make up Singapore. Our people and our communities have made Singapore strong, and I am committed to strengthening our people and our communities because I believe that together, we can make Singapore exceptional.

Benjamin Pwee, Secretary-General of the Democratic Progressive Party, spoke on behalf of his party, asking all Singaporeans to step forward and do their part for Singapore’s next 50 years.


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