Following Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s traditional National Day Message, political parties have also released videos or statements to commemorate Singapore’s anniversary of independence.

The National Solidarity Party’s (NSP) Youth Wing produced a short video on maintaining Singapore’s values of kindness and integrity:

The video was accompanied by a National Day Message on the party’s website.

The Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) posted a National Day message on their Facebook page, emphasising the need for everyone to be able to “enjoy the fruits of our labour in a fair and just manner.” They also suggested a $500 incentive for the elderly to stay at home and care for their grandchildren, allowing young Singaporean parents to work.

The Singapore People’s Party (SPP) message was also posted on its website:

Singaporeans deserve a better quality of life. The government has been hinting about growing the population to 10 million, beyond its initial 6.9 million target. But they cannot even solve our public transport woes at the current population levels. Singaporeans also deserve better job and education opportunities, to help them compete on a fair footing in this globalised city-state and abroad.

Only a strong Opposition can guarantee the most rigorous check on the ruling party. It is our party’s duty to nudge the government in the right direction, in the best interests of Singaporeans who have toiled all their lives to build up the nation.

Jeanette Chong-Aruldoss, who will be contesting Mountbatten SMC for SPP, shared her thoughts in a blog post:

To keep our Mountbatten community strong, we need to preserve, promote and enhance the built environment of Mountbatten, as well as the local businesses that have taken root in the community and which sustain it.

Mountbatten is a small constituency, but one with a distinct identity. I believe Mountbatten, like Singapore, can punch above its weight if we get our priorities right.

While celebrating how far we’ve come as a nation economically and on the world stage, it’s important never to lose sight of the people and communities that make up Singapore. Our people and our communities have made Singapore strong, and I am committed to strengthening our people and our communities because I believe that together, we can make Singapore exceptional.

Benjamin Pwee, Secretary-General of the Democratic Progressive Party, spoke on behalf of his party, asking all Singaporeans to step forward and do their part for Singapore’s next 50 years.


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疑遭推倒女乘客脚卡月台缝隙 网民吁改善紧急事故机制

今早,在波那维斯达地铁站,一名女子右脚陷入地铁列车和月台缝隙间,地铁环线服务一度延误,所幸女子最终被救出,并送往医院接受治疗。 网民Brandon Wong在现场目击事发经过,他指出事故发生在早上8.45分,列车内挤满乘客,相信是大家赶着下车时互相推挤,这名女乘客不幸被推倒,右脚陷入了列车和月台的缝隙。 虽然并非合格的急救人员,但是Brandon Wong还是尽量安慰该名陷入惊慌的女子,等候工作人员前来。不过对于今早的事故,他有感而发,提出希望改善列车公司和职员应对紧急事故的能力,同时呼吁大家做个有公德心的乘客,在面对突发状况时,让受害者能第一时间得到急救。 喊了三次才有人按警报器 他呼吁民众,一旦看见紧急事故,不要只是马上拍照和录影,同时应该让出空间,方便懂得急救的人士处理问题。他说当时喊了三次“快按紧急停车按钮!”,才有人按下警报器,警示工作人员前来。如果没及时喊停,若列车启动,后果不堪设想。 他说,按下急救按钮争分夺秒,足以决定生死。“没必要因感到不便而抱怨,你迟到10分钟?真是大件事。想想,你眼前这名女子可能丢掉性命。” 他也认为SMRT对紧急事故的反应时间有待改善。“女子在8点45分被卡住,但是第一个到场的工作人员是45秒后,第二位在一分钟后才到。”他表示,虽然上班时段,车站内的人潮确实难以控制,但是一些紧急事故理应摆在首位。再者,事故10分钟后才有人拨电民防队求救,似乎有点迟缓。 紧急事故反应时间应加强 他也描述,其中一位列车职员到场后,显得紧张且提高声量,要该名女子“移开你的脚!否则我们帮不到你!”,女子只能哭喊“很痛!”,疼痛难当,也根本无法移动受困的脚。Brandon说很显然女子自己也被这突发状况搞得也六神无主。 Brandon表示,他尽量安慰女子,列车已经停下,也会在他的脚抹上一些润滑膏试着拉出被困部位。后来女子稍微冷静下来,拉出右脚的过程也变得顺利。…


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【选举】妇女无法投票 竟是官员沟通不良所致!

昨日,一名妇女申诉自己无法投票,因为当她在投票站扫描身份证时,却显示她已经投过票,她只能以蓝色选票(Tendered Ballot Paper)投票,并在较后针对此事报警。 至于今日选举局向媒体澄清,经调查这是一场误会和人为错误,实则是负责的官员出现够同问题。 投票日当天,监票官(Presiding Officer)协助这位林姓女士,用电子系统登记身份证,但试了几次都不成功。其实是因为监票官还没有从上一位选民的电子登记系统登出。 监票官上报副选举官(Assistant Returning Officer)反映此事,但似乎两人间沟通不良,结果副选举官以为林女士的身份证号码,已在早前被用来登记投票,也令林女士产生误会。 选举局称已联系林女士并向她道歉。系统也显示没人盗用林女士身份证号码投票。