This year on 9 August, Singapore celebrates its 50th anniversary of its independence, following its separation from Malaysia in 1963.

Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Lee Hsien Loong greets the nation with his national day message via a video produced by the Prime Minister Office

Mr Lee wrote on his Facebook fanpage,

“Tomorrow is our 50th birthday. In my National Day Message, I look back on how the Republic of Singapore was born, how we overcame many challenges, and built a nation.

Tomorrow, on our Golden Jubilee, we celebrate 50 years of peace and security, how we turned our vulnerabilities into strengths, and most of all, our journey from Third World to First as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion.

As we rejoice in the success of the last five decades, let us also pledge ourselves to our shared future, to build a better home for our nation, our children and ourselves.”

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