NSP Facebook post
NSP Facebook post
NSP Facebook post

The National Solidarity Party (NSP) has slammed the “source” who had apparently leaked inside information on the meeting of opposition parties to negotiate the contests in the upcoming elections.

“The ‘source’ who leaked this ‘half truths’ is not doing anybody good and aims to split opposition unity,” the party said in a Facebook post on Wednesday.

“The outcome, will be announced on Thursday after the All Party Meeting,” it added. “NSP will then comment on this issue after the meeting.”

The NSP statement came after media cited sources claiming that there was “heated negotiations” between the NSP and the Workers’ Party over Marine Parade GRC, which the two parties have expressed interest in contesting.

The NSP had contested it in the last elections in 2011 and won 43 per cent of the vote against the People’s Action Party (PAP) team, led by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.

The WP’s interest in the GRC this time round is because Joo Chiat SMC has been absorbed into the GRC in the latest electoral boundary changes.

On 26 July, WP’s secretary general Low Thia Khiang confirmed that his party would contest Marine Parade GRC as a matter of principle.

“As a matter of principle, The Workers’ Party will contest where we have contested before,” said Mr Low. “In this case, Joo Chiat is being redrawn into Marine Parade. We don’t want to disappoint voters in Joo Chiat. We want to offer them a choice again in this election.”

It is also believed the NSP and the WP are also negotiating two other constituencies – Macpherson SMC and Jalan Besar GRC.

“We urge the media, supporters and Singaporeans out there not to jump into conclusions yet, based on hear-say and rumours,” the NSP said.

The party, dismissing rumours of acrimony among the oppositon ranks, said, “We reiterate that we stand firm on opposition unity.”

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交通意外每天都会发生,但能够心平气和的解决事情看起来更困难,但在邻国却真有如此暖心境遇! 一名马来西亚网友在脸书上分享其特殊经验,脸书账号为“Ceo KokHow Paco”在槟城开车的路上,被一台罗厘撞上,而肇事司机是一名巫裔同胞,车祸发生后,他显得很紧张,并表示其同事需要从大山脚到达槟城协助,可能需要一些时间,而附近的警局因不收交通意外案件,因此他们需要到市区的警局内报案。在种种事件的耽误下,他们决定先去填报肚子! 网友表示,当下会有填报肚子的想法是因为在各种事情的耽误下,双方只能继续等待援助的到来,而担心会因为各种程序而耽误吃饭时间,于是在空档期间,邀请肇事司机一同前往用餐,一起先填报肚子再继续处理。 事后,两人还在用餐时自拍,非常有趣,司机还打趣的说,他们应该是第一宗在意外发生后还可以一起坐下来吃饭的人。网友也笑说,因为无论是生气或吵架,车子已经坏了,还是一样无补于事,倒不如心平气和将事情解决。 网友在9月5日将其奇特经历放上脸书,此文一出,立即引起网友的关注,截至今日已获得1万8000的赞、2700转载。网民纷纷赞赏网友在处理意外上非常有智慧,并说道一切都是人品问题,与种族无关。 还有人分享自己也曾遇过的意外暖心事件。 此外,此文也意外引起许多巫裔同胞的回应,纷纷赞赏网友的做法,并表示原来世上还有好人的存在。 很多时候,遇上交通意外,难免会有些伤感和失落,但若能避免纷争,合理讨论赔偿并愿意承担责任,或许纷争和伤害就会少一点。


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