NSP Facebook post
NSP Facebook post
NSP Facebook post

The National Solidarity Party (NSP) has slammed the “source” who had apparently leaked inside information on the meeting of opposition parties to negotiate the contests in the upcoming elections.

“The ‘source’ who leaked this ‘half truths’ is not doing anybody good and aims to split opposition unity,” the party said in a Facebook post on Wednesday.

“The outcome, will be announced on Thursday after the All Party Meeting,” it added. “NSP will then comment on this issue after the meeting.”

The NSP statement came after media cited sources claiming that there was “heated negotiations” between the NSP and the Workers’ Party over Marine Parade GRC, which the two parties have expressed interest in contesting.

The NSP had contested it in the last elections in 2011 and won 43 per cent of the vote against the People’s Action Party (PAP) team, led by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.

The WP’s interest in the GRC this time round is because Joo Chiat SMC has been absorbed into the GRC in the latest electoral boundary changes.

On 26 July, WP’s secretary general Low Thia Khiang confirmed that his party would contest Marine Parade GRC as a matter of principle.

“As a matter of principle, The Workers’ Party will contest where we have contested before,” said Mr Low. “In this case, Joo Chiat is being redrawn into Marine Parade. We don’t want to disappoint voters in Joo Chiat. We want to offer them a choice again in this election.”

It is also believed the NSP and the WP are also negotiating two other constituencies – Macpherson SMC and Jalan Besar GRC.

“We urge the media, supporters and Singaporeans out there not to jump into conclusions yet, based on hear-say and rumours,” the NSP said.

The party, dismissing rumours of acrimony among the oppositon ranks, said, “We reiterate that we stand firm on opposition unity.”

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