Some members of PA Board of Management.

The Auditor General’s Office (AGO) released its report last week, and particular attention has been focused on the People’s Association (PA) and its lapses in financial accounting.

The PA is chaired by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and has several ministers on its Board of Management.

We will highlight each lapse in the AGO report in the coming days.

The AGO’s audit on the PA found, among other lapses, instances where training operators were engaged directly by grassroots organisations without calling for competitive bids.

Auditor General's Report
Auditor General’s Report

The AGO said it had “test-checked” 91 Community Club Management Committees (CCMCs) and found that 35 of them – or almost 40 per cent – did not obtain approvals from the relevant approving authorities for awarding 53 tenancy contracts worth $17.78 million.

The AGO also found that 10 of the 35 CCMCs did not obtain the relevant approvals for the direct award of 13 tenancy contracts worth S$3.67 million without competition.

Neither the AGO report nor the PA itself have disclosed which are the 91 CCMCs audited, or the 35 CCMCs which have been found to have lapses in their accounting.

It is also unclear which constituencies these CCMCs are from

Below are screenshots from the AGO report:


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