A video in which Malaysia’s former deputy prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin purportedly recounting a conversation he had had with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak about the state investment firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has gone viral.

Malaysian media reported that Muhyiddin alleged that Najib had admitted to transferring funds – to the sum of RM2.6 billion – to his personal account.

Channel NewsAsia provided a transcript of the alleged conversation:

Muhyiddin: I asked him ‘From whom?’ He did not mention (what his name was) but from somewhere in the Middle East. How much?  After that … it’s difficult to count. He said ‘A lot, a lot’ … Then I said ‘Why did it enter your account? Why did it enter the account of Najib Razak?’ How much money? US$700 million, if you multiply by 3-point-something, 2.6 billion goes into his personal account. That’s what he said!

Unknown speaker: He admitted?

Muhyiddin: He admitted. So I said, why did you put it into your personal account?


Muhyiddin had been sacked on Tuesday after Najib reshuffled his Cabinet. Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail, who had been part of the probe into charges of corruption related to 1MDB, was also fired and replaced.

It is unclear when the video was shot, but The Star reported that Muhyiddin had hosted guests in his home on Tuesday after his removal as Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister. Kedah chief minister Mukhriz Mohamad – the son of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad – and former Umno supreme council member Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir were both reported to be present in the clip.

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