Maybe The Straits Times is still recovering from Amos Yee being allegedly ill-treated while at the Institute of Mental Health.

And the fact that “R” and “T” are next to each other on the keyboard doesn’t really help.

But such a headline is definitely attention grabbing. Particularly when we think about what this “support” means.


As it turns out, the article is a joint letter from the Institute of Mental Health, the National Council of Social Service, St Andrew’s Community Hospital, and the Singapore Association for Mental Health, advocating for employers to make some effort and receive support if necessary, should they choose to hire someone with mental illness.

The Institute of Mental Health (IMH) runs Job Club, a service that prepares those with mental illness for employment and helps them with job placements.

Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH), the Singapore Anglican Community Services (SACS) and NCSS also have their own support programmes.

The joint release also states that employees with mental illnesses are also more loyal to their employers, and most employers who hire them are even willing to rehire an employee who has stabilised after a relapse.

So yes, there is no reason for employers to hit their employees who have medical illnesses, despite what ST tells us.

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