Members of parliament continue to call for the scrapping of the Design, Build, and Sell Scheme (DBSS) of public flats, or at least to tweak it.

The call follows numerous recent reports of workmanship defects, bad design and over-pricing of these flats.

The MPs cite the “blurred lines of accountability and low public confidence in the quality of the housing projects”, reports local media.

The scheme has indeed been suspended since 2011, when the new Minister of National Development, Khaw Boon Wan, took over the helm at the ministry from Mah Bow Tan.

Mr Khaw, however, said last month that he will “leave it to the next National Development Minister to decide” the eventual fate of the scheme.

In the meantime, The Online Citizen (TOC) surveyed the Pasir Ris ONE DBSS development about two weeks ago, to investigate if there were other unreported defects at the blocks of flats.

This is the short video of our visit two weeks ago:

[vimeo id=”133323692″ align=”center” mode=”normal”]
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