Mount Raung (image – Wikipedia)
Mount Raung (image - Wikipedia)
Mount Raung (image – Wikipedia)

Winds pushing ash from Mount Raung in Indonesia back towards Denpasar are causing flights to Bali to be delayed for safety reasons, reported media.

An Indonesian government vulcanologist had noted that Raung was shooting out ash 3,000 metres into the air on Wednesday, and winds were blowing it southeast towards Bali.

Jetstar has already cancelled three flights and was also forced to turn around a Melbourne to Bali service because of ash spewing from Mount Raung, about 150km west of Bali’s Denpasar airport.

Virgin Australia has also cancelled all 10 of its Wednesday services into and out of Bali, and Air New Zealand has postponed at least one Bali-bound flight.

Indonesia’s aviation authority had also closed the airport on Bali island given increased volcanic activity of Mount Raung in the neighbouring province of East Java.

The airport is expected to remain closed until at least 6am Thursday.

Mount Raung has been erupting since June, prompting the periodic closures of several airports in Bali and East Java to avoid the risk volcanic ash poses to aircraft.

Flights were cancelled due to the possibility of material from the ash fouling aircraft engines.

Adapted from media reports.

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