Last evening, Minister for Law, K Shanmugam commented on this recent incident where a Caucasian commuter scolded and taunted a young man because he was unhappy with a t-shirt the young man was wearing.

The video also showed a Malay man, known as Elfy, stepping forward and questioned the Caucasian man’s abusive attitude towards the young man. The two subsequently got into a bit of a quarrel before both parties were called off the train by police.

“Came across this video. Unacceptable bullying conduct. People like this are sick in their mind. And try and take it out on others. I hope his employer will take some action, against him – he brings his organisation into disrepute.” wrote Mr K Shanmugam, expressing his hope that the bully would have some action taken against him.

The law minister then turned to compliment Elfy on his action, “Good to see someone, in this case Elfy standing up to this bully. His comments on the incident, that we are a multiracial society that should respect each other, are wise. Elfy’s comments can be seen in the post link below.”

According to Nabilah Nasser who posted the video on her Facebook account, no action was taken on the rowdy man by the police officers and was allowed to continue his journey together with the rest of the passengers.

She said that police officers who attended to the situation appeared to be from the Special Operations Command. However, she noted that all that the police officers did was to ask for the Caucasian to calm down. When the passengers tried to show the police officers the video as a proof of what happened, the police officers refused to watch.

“They allow the angry old man to take the same train together with us. LOL. But after the police left, the old man walk away.” wrote Nabilah on her reply to TOC’s query.

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