Image by Calvin Teo, August 2006 – Wikipedia
Image by Calvin Teo, August 2006 - Wikipedia
Image by Calvin Teo, August 2006 – Wikipedia

The Singapore Botanic Gardens was recently named a UNESCO World Heritage Site, joining 11 other newly-inscribed sites announced at the 39th session of the World Heritage Committee held in Bonn, Germany.

In particular, SBG’s bid was noted for its “well-prepared” nomination dossier, which means that in the Singapore context, Singapore was extremely diligent in doing our homework.

Here are some other UNESCO World Heritage Sites that are also gardens. A number of these are also noted to have experienced some destruction since they were listed by UNESCO.

Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn, Austria

Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn (image - Wikipedia)
Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn (image – Wikipedia)

The site of the Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn is outstanding as one of the most impressive and well preserved Baroque ensembles of its kind in Europe. Additionally, it is a potent material symbol of the power and influence of the House of Habsburg over a long period of European history, from the end of the 17th to the early 20th century.

The site is exceptional by virtue of the evidence that they preserve of modifications over several centuries that vividly illustrate the tastes, interests, and aspirations of successive Habsburg monarchs.

Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing, China

Summer Palace in Beijing (image - Wikipedia)
Summer Palace in Beijing (image – Wikipedia)

Mainly dominated by Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake, The Summer Palace in Beijing integrates numerous traditional halls and pavilions into the Imperial Garden conceived by the Qing emperor Qianlong between 1750 and 1764 as the Garden of Clear Ripples.

As the culmination of several hundred years of Imperial garden design, the Summer Palace is said to have a major influence on subsequent oriental garden art and culture.

Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž, Czech Republic

Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž (image - Wikipedia)
Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž (image – Wikipedia)

The Gardens and Castle at Kroměříž are an exceptionally complete and well-preserved example of a princely residence and its associated landscape of the 17th and 18th centuries. The ensemble, and in particular the pleasure garden, played a significant role in the development of Baroque garden and palace design in central Europe.

The castle was affected by the fire that swept through the town in March 1752. Bishop Leopold Bedrich Eglik oversaw the restoration, bringing in artists and craftsmen to carry out the work.

Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz, Germany

Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz (image - Wikipedia)
Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz (image – Wikipedia)

The Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz exemplifies the application of the philosophical principles of the Age of the Enlightenment to the design of a landscape that integrates art, education and economy in a harmonious whole.

The garden contains a number of buildings and monuments, including the Roman Ruin and an open rotunda temple. The adjacent area of the Beckenbruch was left relatively untouched as a landscape of marsh and meadows, with a few statues and small structures inserted into it.

The Persian Garden, Iran

Persian Gardens (image - Wikipedia)
Persian Gardens (image – Wikipedia)

The Persian Garden consists of a collection of nine gardens, selected from various regions of Iran, which tangibly represent the diverse forms that this type of designed garden has assumed over the centuries and in different climatic conditions.

The perfect design of the Persian Garden, along with its ability to respond to extreme climatic conditions, is the original result of an inspired and intelligent application of different fields of knowledge, i.e. technology, water management and engineering, architecture, botany and agriculture.

Medici Villas and Gardens in Tuscany, Italy

Medici Villas and Gardens (image - Wikipedia)
Medici Villas and Gardens (image – Wikipedia)

The Medici Villas and Gardens is a selection of twelve complete villas with their gardens and two additional pleasure gardens spread across the Tuscan countryside and near to Florence. Built between the 15th and 17th centuries, they represent an innovative system of construction in harmony with nature and dedicated to leisure, the arts and knowledge.

The gardens and their integration into the natural environment helped develop the appreciation of landscape characteristic Humanism and the Renaissance.

Fort and Shalamar Gardens in Lahore, Pakistan

Fort and Shalamar Gardens (image - Wikipedia)
Fort and Shalamar Gardens (image – Wikipedia)

The inscribed property includes two distinct royal complexes, the Lahore Fort and the Shalimar Gardens, both located in the City of Lahore, at a distance of 7 km. from each other.

The two complexes – one characterized by monumental structures and the other by extensive water gardens – are outstanding examples of Mughal artistic expression at its height, as it evolved during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Skogskyrkogården, Sweden

Skogskyrkogården (image - Wikipedia)
Skogskyrkogården (image – Wikipedia)

This Stockholm cemetery was created between 1917 and 1920 by two young architects, Asplund and Lewerentz, on the site of former gravel pits overgrown with pine trees. The design blends vegetation and architectural elements, taking advantage of irregularities in the site to create a landscape that is finely adapted to its function.

Unlike most of its contemporaries, Asplund and Lewerentz’s cemetery design evokes a more primitive imagery. The intervention of footpaths, meandering freely through the woodland, is minimal. Graves are laid out without excessive alignment or regimentation among the natural forest.

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK

Kew Gardens and Palm House (image - Wikipedia)
Kew Gardens and Palm House (image – Wikipedia)

The Kew Gardens features elements that illustrate significant periods of the art of gardens from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Since their creation in 1759, the gardens have made a significant and uninterrupted contribution to the study of plant diversity and economic botany.

The Kew Gardens has a long history with the Singapore Botanic Gardens, with the first rubber seedlings coming from Kew in 1877.

While the Second World War inflicted some material damage on Kew Gardens, the bicentenary of the creation of the gardens gave a new impetus which resulted in the restoration and reopening of the Palm House.

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隔离期间父亲逝世 官员来回载送完成孝女心愿

为见患有脑癌的父亲最后一面,会计助理从新加坡赶回马来西亚太平,但不幸父亲在隔离期间病逝,她也因此痛哭流涕,负责管理隔离中心的官员获知后,特尽力给予协助,让她能够在灵堂前见父亲的最后一面。 法外亦有温情,即使身在不便行动的隔离期间,仍能法外开恩,让孝女见上过世父亲的最后一面。该悲伤又温馨的故事发生在41岁留新的大马籍会计助理刘宝珠身上。 据马国媒体《星洲日报》报道,刘宝珠在经过众官员的协助下,终于与父亲见上最后一面。 “这些官员在行管令期间除了必须与疫情对抗外,也非常努力协助由国外返回大马,欲见病重或逝世的亲人最后一面者,让他们达成心愿,因此他们的努力必须获得表扬。” 询及父亲,刘宝珠形容父亲刘华生前是非常照顾家人,而且对于儿孙均奉行爱的教育,而且子女成家立业后,也经常伴随出游,一家人关系相当融洽。 然而,父亲在8个月前不幸诊断出患有第三期脑癌,当时由其他兄弟姐妹轮流带他到吉隆坡私人医院治疗,之后再回到太平医院继续治疗。 而她因在20年前便到我国工作,因此几乎每月都会回家探望父母,父亲患病期间,更是几乎每月都会回家照顾。尔后,行动管制令开始实施,她也只能被迫返回我国,未料却是和父亲最后一次见面。父亲的病情于5月底恶化,5月29日逝世。 在获悉父亲病危后,她便毅然决然搭飞机前往新加坡,希望与父亲能见上最后一面。在抵达马来西亚后,她被安排在芙蓉隔离中心进行隔离,期间曾提出申请欲回家探望父亲,无奈被拒绝。 不幸的是,2天后,她接获妹妹的来电告知父亲病逝的噩耗,当下情绪失控痛哭流涕,而隔离中心的官员知悉后,便立即个与协助,并连夜将她转到怡保的隔离中心。翌日,申请获得批准后,官员立即将她目的地,并为她申请了数小时,与父亲见上最后一面。 据刘宝珠指出,官员当时在炎热的天气下,和她全程都穿着层层的防护配装从怡保驱车到太平,在等待她约3小时都没有催促,让她可以不留遗憾。 更令她感动的是,在父亲举殡之日,官员又再次接送她参加举殡仪式,完成她送爸爸最后一程的心愿。

抨击陈振声巧言令色 杨南强:“如有诚意促进社会平等,何以基薪政策仍可悲?”

“如果我们的最高领导们,真的有诚意帮助社会弱势群体、创造更平等的机会,为何我们扶助绝对贫穷群体的基本薪资政策,还是如此可悲?” 新加坡政府投资公司前首席经济师杨南强,抨击贸工部长陈振声,与其巧言令色声称精英应该回馈社会,倒不如把拨款用在更实质、有效的政策,以便在更大程度上根除令新加坡耻辱的贫富不均问题。 杨南强是针对上月26日,陈振声在公共政策研究所的论坛上发表的谈话,于前日于脸书撰文公开抨击后者。 陈振声在公共政策研究所30周年论坛上,参与讨论贫富不均课题,他曾指出,经一番努力而取得成就的人不应被泛指为精英主义者,只要他们关心较弱势群体,尽力回馈社会,就不宜给他们贴上这样的负面标签。 杨南强:国家有能力提高就业入息补助 也曾担任国大李光耀公共政策研究所兼职教授的杨南强,指出我国绝对有能力把就业入息补贴计划和乐龄补助计划,提升到每月600元,让那些收入不足的群体能满足基本需求。 “然而,决策者仍冥顽不灵,不愿为涵括大部分绝对贫穷、年长群体的这两项政策,投入更多。” 这笔花费只占GDP的不到一巴仙,无需增加税收。多数研究表明,扩大辅助不会减少工作动力,反而能大大改善穷人的自主能力。 仁政从改革社会政策开始 “恰恰是在上世纪90年代、2000-2010年间,我国落实的过度移民政策压低了劳工工资,形成了穷忙族,至少有30-40万人口活在绝对贫穷中。” “陈振声部长作为有才智、风度的领导者,曾在社会与家庭发展部和文化、社区及青年部任职超过三年,以及执掌职总秘书长一职达三年。如果这么多年来,他位处高职都没有、没办法去改善贫穷者的处境,那请问还有哪些精英领导会这么做?” 他在文末告诫政府精英们,真正有智慧的仁政,应该是从更深层的政策思想转变和国内社会改革开始,否则所有的漂亮话都只是空谈而已。

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