Mr Danny Loh Chong Meng, 55, passed away during a holiday at Japan. He was also the former secretary of AHPETC.

AHPETC Chairman, Ms Sylvia Lim, expressed her condolences in an AHPETC press release yesterday.

We are deeply saddened by the sudden loss of Mr Danny Loh.

Danny was the Secretary of the Town Council (TC) for the first four years of its operation. The TC and FM Solutions and Services Pte Ltd (FMSS) faced many challenges together.

I worked closely with Danny since 2011.  He was an unassuming man, who had the courage of his convictions. We shall miss him.

Our deepest condolences go to Ms How Weng Fan, the Loh family and FMSS for their tremendous loss.

It is uncertain what is the cause of death but it is said that Mr Loh had suffered a fall during his trip in Japan. Chinese newspaper reported that according to friends visiting the wake,  Mr Loh might have passed away due to heart failure, and because there were no prior symptoms before this, family members were shocked.

Mr Loh was also managing director of estate management company FM Solutions & Services (FMSS), the town council’s outgoing managing agent. He has been a loyal servant of the Workers Party for more than 20 years since he first started at the former Hougang Town Council, working for WP chief Low Thia Khiang since the 1990s.

His body has since been flown back to Singapore. Mr Loh’s wake begun yesterday in Yishun, and the cremation will take place on Tuesday.


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