Singapore’s transport operator, SMRT has announced that it has identified one of two men who were caught on video smoking on an MRT train and issued a Notification of Offence to the person.

The one-minute video which caught the two men smoking was sent to the All Singapore Stuff (ASS) website on 15 June.

The video appeared to have been filmed in the evening and the train was seen passing through Bukit Batok.

[youtube id=”un3iwxba0_0″ align=”center” mode=”normal”]

Smoking and eating in Singapore’s public transport system are prohibited.

The video begins with a man wearing a black cap taking a few draws on the cigarette, exhaling the smoke as he looks around the cabin car.

He then passes the cigarette to a second man who was seated across him.

As the train pulled into the Bukit Batok train station, as can be ascertained by the train’s announcement, the second man hands back the cigarette to the first man, who proceeds to continue to draw on the cigarette.

While a cursory online search will throw up videos of others smoking in trains, the peculiar thing about this particular one is that the person shooting the video appears to be a friend of the two “smoking” men, although it is unclear if he was also the one who had sent the video to ASS.

It is also unclear when the video was taken.

The video on the ASS page drew strong reactions from the public, with many calling for the video to be sent to the police and the two culprits dealt with.

“This is indeed a brazen act,” wrote SMRT in its statement. “With the help of the authorities, we have identified one of the persons involved and have issued a Notification Of Offence.”

It is unknown which individual in the video was identified.

According to Rapid Transit Systems regulations in Singapore’s Statues, the maximum penalty for smoking on railway premises is a S$1,000 fine.

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