Nigel Kee Facebook post
Police report against Nigel Kee
Police report against Nigel Kee

A police report has been lodged against Nigel Kee, the man who had posted on his Facebook page on 26 June, that he “will pay” for 16-year old teenager, Amos Yee, “to get raped in prison”.

The person who made the report, who wants to be known only as Mr Lee, filed it with the police on Tuesday, 30 June.

“I am very distressed to know that a person by the name of Nigel Kee said in his Facebook post that he will pay for someone to ‘rape’ Amos Yee,” Mr Lee’s police report says.

The Online Citizen (TOC) had reported the threats made by Mr Kee on 26 June. (See here: ““I will pay” for Amos Yee “to get raped in prison”, says man“)

Mr Lee says the threat could be a breach of the Penal Code’s Section 503, which refers to “Criminal Intimidation”.

Nigel Kee Facebook post
Nigel Kee Facebook post

Mr Lee says that a possible reason why Mr Kee had made such a threat against the teenager was because of an earlier incident where a grassroots leader, Jason Tan Kok Whee, had similarly made a threat of violence against Amos Yee, but who was only given a “stern warning” by the police.

“It is believed that Nigel Kee think that he will not get punishment by making such a criminal offence,” Mr Lee’s statement to the police said. “I believed he is trying to despise the legal institution of Singapore by challenging it.”

He asks the police to take the “necessary action” against Mr Kee.

Mr Kee has since either deleted or made private his Facebook page, which is no longer accessible to the public.

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