Nigel Kee Facebook post

Amos Yee has been the target of physical violence and in fact was assaulted in April while on his way to a pre-trial conference at the State Court.

The person who struck the teenager on the face, while reporters with camera crew stood by, was sentenced to three weeks’ jail.

Amos Yee, who has been the centre of much controversy for a video he released on Youtubeon the day of the funeral of Singapore’s former prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, has also been threatened online with all sorts of harm, including rape.

A grassroots leader was also issued a “stern warning” by the police in June for threats made against the teenager.

Mr Jason Tan Kok Wee, referring to Amos Yee, had posted online that he “would cut his dick and put in his mouth”.

Jason Tan with minister
Jason Tan with minister

But such threats of violence do not seem to have ceased.

On Friday, some Taiwanese protesters held a protest in support of Amos Yee, calling on the Singapore Government to release the teenager.

The Online Citizen (TOC) reported this on its Facebook page.

Soon, the report attracted comments and shares.

One of those who shared TOC’s report was a certain “Nigel Kee”.

Mr Kee posted [emphasis added]:

“I think I have never commented on this moron, for he never deserved any attention. But now that I’m speaking. I really hope and I will pay, for him to get raped in prison.”

He ended his post with the hashtag: #tearhimup .

nigel pay rape

Under Singapore’s laws it is illegal to issued such threats.

Under the Penal Code, criminal intimidation is described as:

“Whoever threatens another with any injury to his person, reputation or property, or to the person or reputation of any one in whom that person is interested, with intent to cause alarm to that person, or to cause that person to do any act which he is not legally bound to do, or to omit to do any act which that person is legally entitled to do, as the means of avoiding the execution of such threat, commits criminal intimidation.”

And “Intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace” is explained as:

“Whoever intentionally insults, and thereby gives provocation to any person, intending or knowing it to be likely that such provocation will cause him to break the public peace, or to commit any other offence, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years, or with fine, or with both.”

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满城尽是黑衣人 港特首林郑月娥致歉

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感谢有你! 前进党志工探班医护人员表谢意

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助他人吸毒罪成 吕德祥被判入狱15个月

用自己的血帮助前男友骗取国家工作准证、协助他人吸毒,本地医生吕德祥被判罪名成立,坐牢15个月。 37岁的吕德祥于昨日(10月17日)于去年9月,被控使用自己的血协助美国男友费雷拉(Mikhy Farrera-Brochez)隐瞒后者的艾滋病带原者身份,两度骗取我国的就业准证,被判两年的监刑,目前尚在服刑。 他也被指在去年2月26日傍晚6时27分,在瑞士史丹福酒店内,替一名44岁的补习老师,沈英智注射甲基安非他命,或俗称的冰毒,而被控协助他人吸毒以及拥有吸毒器具,但是他不认罪。 他当时选择自行抗辩,而案件也于今年5月被带到国家法院审理。 被告曾在审讯期间辩称,他当时并没有提供任何注射或打针服务,只是提供上门医疗咨询以及运动按摩服务。 他反指沈英智为了能够逃脱贩毒控状,和控方达成协议,转而担任控方的污点证人,对他进行诬赖。 惟,法官在宣判时表示,被告的辩词缺乏逻辑性,没有说服力,因此不接受。 法官昨日下午也下判,指吕德祥两项罪名成立,入狱15个月。