Joseph Schooling (image – The Straits Times)
Joseph Schooling (image - The Straits Times)
Joseph Schooling (image – The Straits Times)

Singapore’s swimming star Joseph Schooling donated S$10,000 to charity to mark his 20th birthday.

A sum of S$5,000 will each go to The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund and the Eurasian Association.

“I’ve had some friends who weren’t as fortunate as me,” Schooling told media on his donation. “I know what having even 50 cents and a dollar, what difference it can make, and that really touched me.”

“I want to try and inspire a generation, and try to help kids that are less fortunate as much as I can. Children are the future of our country.”

Schooling’s donation was meant to kick-start a campaign to raise money for The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund, with an aim to raise S$50,000.

Schooling won all of his nine events at the recently concluded SEA Games 2015, and set 10 records for the Games.

He also surpassed the 50M Freestyle record set by Singapore swimming great, Ang Peng Siong.

At the SEA Games closing ceremony, the audience was asked to sing a happy birthday song to Schooling, to which they gamely complied.

Adapted from media reports.

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