Singapore saw a new addition to its online community over the weekend as “e-viewspaper” launched on Saturday.

“Be it business, politics, current affairs, sports or lifestyle issues, SIX-SIX.COM will bring together various views from people in the know. By offering a varied and balanced analysis, this e-viewspaper will challenge readers to think beyond what they glean from mainstream media, and to reach a balanced, considered opinion,” the website’s publisher, Kannan Chandran, wrote in a press release.

Chandran is no stranger to news and publishing: he is owner of publishing house E-Quill Media, and was a journalist at The Straits Times in the 1980s.

Citing the existence of bias in the writing of most news commentators, claims to have “no agenda”, and aims to allows its readers to make up their own minds on matters without having to jump from one site to another to access diverse opinions.

“We have no agenda – no intention to have one – other than being neutral. The views are intended to prompt people or users to think. Having presented a varied set of views, we leave the reader to form an opinion,” Chandran told Yahoo! Singapore.

Chandran is not the only former Straits Times journalist to be launching an online platform in Singapore this time of year: Bertha Henson has announced on Facebook that she will be launching The Middle Ground, her second foray into socio-political websites following The Breakfast Network.

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