best of you

The Best of You movement invites people in Singapore to slow down and acknowledge the people and experiences that bring out the best in them

In the wee hours of the morning, the sound of an uncontrollable wrecking cough from the ward nearest to Sock Ching immediately jolts her from her fatigue. She gets up and hurries to the ward to check on her patient.

Hours later, as the sun begins to rise, Christabel steps out of her room, all prepped for an early day, and sees Alice waiting with her usual morning coffee. “谢谢你,爱人 (Thank you, my love),” she quips, and gives her grandmother an affectionate embrace before she leaves for the day.

Later in the afternoon, Nizar and Mas carry a guitar and cajón as they make their way to Tampines MRT station to prepare for their evening of busking. Nizar decided to join his visually impaired father as a busker about five years ago. They have been performing together regularly as busking duo, Qute.

A dedicated nurse, a young lady’s profound love for her grandmother, and a father-and son team, are just but three precious stories that represent the everyday people in Singapore, received through The Best of You, a social movement launched in Singapore and Malaysia by biscuit and snacks brand, Julie’s, in May last year.

Real People, Real Stories

Catherine with her plate art

Julie kicked off The Best of You 2015 with The Best of You Mini Exhibition launch at VivoCity yesterday. The movement aims to encourage personal affirmation, and to inspire people to appreciate the experiences and people who have brought out the best of them. At the heart of it is the celebration of all people and things big and small.

The Mini Exhibition showcases some never-before-shown public submissions, as well as artwork from local artists such as Catherine Leck and Pixie T. It will run from Wednesday, 3 June till next Monday, 8 June, at VivoCity, East Boulevard A.

The event was graced by Mr Sai Tzy Horng, Consultant for The Best of You, Mr and Mrs Su Chin Hock, the founders of Julie’s, as well as Gemia Foo, Creator of The Best of You School Play. Artists Catherine and Pixie were also present to personally introduce their newest contributions to the movement. On top of that, Catherine did a live demonstration of her plate art.

“We live in such a fast-paced rat race that it’s becoming more challenging to share with or listen to each other. The Best of You provides a platform to prompt people to slow down and share their stories, and gives visibility to real people in acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments, in even the most mundane and ordinary of everyday moments, and efforts,” expressed Mr Sai Tzy Horng, Consultant, The Best of You.

“Ultimately, we hope to cultivate the willingness in people to find opportunities where they too, can bring out the best in others.”

“The Best of You idea is a natural demonstration of Julie’s belief in doing good to do well in our business. It was also created to offer Julie’s internal team a space to share their stories and to build camaraderie. It’s a simple gesture from our part to stay connected to the community,” Tzy Horng explained further.

Through the movement, members of the public shared their stories and submitted photographs, artwork, or trinkets that best represented their response to the question, “Who is the best of you?” on the official website. Close to 1,000 submissions from Singapore and Malaysia have been received since launch.

“We wanted to honour the uplifting stories, some of which shed light on people in society who are often overlooked or marginalized, and the best way was to exhibit them. We are deeply humbled to have received so many inspiring and touching submissions from everyday folks of Singapore, as well as support from prominent personalities such as film director Royston Tan and comedian Kumar, who generously shared their stories and work,” added Tzy Horng.

best of you 2
“Through public showcase of real life stories collected, we hope to inspire other people to come forward and share their stories. This year, we expect to reach out to an even larger segment of society through more grassroots engagement, and hope to engage more deeply with the community,” said Tzy Horng.

The stories of Sock Ching who finds fulfilment by following her heart to serve the community as a nurse, or Nizar who, despite the naysayers helps to enable his visually impaired father make a living, or Christabel who holds a profound sense of appreciation for her grandmother despite her own busy life, show that life is worth celebrating, no matter how extraordinary or mundane. Just as how others can bring out the best in us, we too have the ability to inspire and bring out the best in others as well.

The Best of You Mini Exhibition at VivoCity is open to members of the public from Wednesday, 3 June 2015 until Monday, 8 June 2015, from 11am to 9pm daily.

For more information on The Best of You, or to read the stories submitted, visit, or



The Best of You Mini Exhibition
Venue: VivoCity, East Boulevard A, 1 Harbourfront Walk, Singapore 098585
Date: Wed, 3 June 2015 – Mon, 8 June 2015
Time: 11.00am – 9.00pm daily
Admission: Free

The Best of You Mini Exhibition
Venue: The Star Vista, Atrium, 1 Vista Exchange Green, Singapore 138617
Date: Mon, 10 August 2015 – Sun, 16 August 2015
Time: 11.00am – 9.00pm daily
Admission: Free

The Best of You Exhibition
Venue: Marina Square, Central Atrium, 6 Raffles Boulevard, Singapore 039594
Date: Tue, 13 October 2015 – Sun, 18 October 2015
Time: 11.00am – 9.00pm daily
Admission: Free

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