Chan Heng Chee, chairman, NAC
Chan Heng Chee, chairman, NAC

“The Art Of Charlie Chan Hock Chye” potentially “undermines the authority or legitimacy” of the Government, and it had also breached funding guidelines, the National Arts Council (NAC) told the press yesterday.

The novel by artist-illustrator Sonny Liew has since sold out its entire first print, according to its publisher.

At the book’s launch over the weekend, long queues were seen at the event at Ngee Ann City.

The NAC, headed by Ambassador-at-Large Chan Heng Chee, had pulled funding for the book, after having provided it with $6,400 of a S$8,000 grant, just a day before its launch.

“We had to withdraw the grant when the book The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye came out because its sensitive content, depicted in visuals and text, did not meet our funding conditions,” said Khor Kok Wah, senior director of the literary arts sector of the NAC.

Although Mr Khor did not say what this “sensitive content” was, it is believed it has to do with the political content in the book.

Former and late prime minister Lee Kuan Yew and his political rival Lim Chin Siong appear in the 340-page book in cartoon form.

So did the 1987 Operation Spectrum, when 16 people were detained over an unproved and alleged “Marxist conspiracy” to overthrow the Government.

In a further statement on the withdrawal of funds, Mr Khor told the press yesterday:

“The retelling of Singapore’s history in the work potentially undermines the authority or legitimacy of the government and its public institutions, and thus breaches our funding guidelines. The council’s funding guidelines are published online and well known among the arts community.”

The NAC’s action has drawn widespread criticism and disbelief.

However, the sale and support of the book itself has brought some cheer to the author/creator of the comic book.

“I knew the turnout would be a little bigger than the usual, given the attention we’d gotten after the news broke, but I think we were all taken aback by the level of support shown,” the TODAY newspaper reported him as having said.

cchc“We haven’t had a book sell out in practically one week and we’ve never reprinted a book within one week,” said Edmund Wee of the publisher, Epigram Books.

He added that the publisher is preparing a second print run of the book which should be out within the month.

In recent months, the authorities’ ban on content has led to greater publicity for supposedly offensive content.

When the Media Development Authority (MDA) banned “To Singapore, With Love” – a film on Singapore’s political exiles – the film garnered even wider publicity, leading to sold-out screenings all over the world, from India to the United Kingdom.

When blogger Amos Yee was ordered to remove his scathing video of Mr Lee, the video went viral and has since been viewed an astonishing 2 million times on Youtube.

And last week, the MDA banned a song by Tawinese singer Jolin Tsai for its homosexual theme.

The song went viral and was viewed by more people than perhaps it otherwise would have.

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逾1900人滞留中国 一染病国人已康复出院

我国目前仍有超过1900名国民仍滞留在中国大陆,可喜的是,在湖北省有一名感染了武汉冠状病毒(Covid-19)的国人,已经治愈出院了。 外交部长维文医生今天(3月2日)在国会上,回答三巴旺集选区议员林伟杰医生的口头问答时,如是指出。 促国人进行外交网上注册 他指出,冠状病毒疫情爆发后,已有超过2000名身处中国大陆的新加坡人,已向外交部进行网上注册,目前该部门有记录的已经超过1900人,预计还会有更多。 惟,所注册的国民中,有者是曾到访中国却已出境,也有暂时从中国回乡的国人。 他促请仍处在中国的国人,可以登入外交部官网进行注册,让当局能够在紧急时期和他们进行联系。 在受到蒙巴登区医院林谋泉询问有关国人逗留中国的原因时,维文医生指出,“这些人中,有者必须留在中国,因为他们已在当地工作和生活;有者则因为要照顾中国籍家人,因此选择留在当地。他们在疫情爆发初期,也有人因为不敢到武汉,所以选择留在原地”。 他之后指出,一名我国国民在湖北省感染了冠状病毒,在住院接受治疗后,目前已治愈出院了。 “于1月30日和2月9日,在中国政府协助下,透过酷航包机自武汉回国的新加坡人有266人。他们回国后就在政府隔离设施进行隔离,后来有七人被正视感染,目前已经康复出院了。” 他建议需要国家领事协助的国人,可以联系新加坡驻北京大使馆,或是位于上海、广州、成都和厦门的领事馆。 在谈及智慧国计划时,身为负责人的维文表示,网上注册服务在使用了电子政府密码应用程序(SingPass Mobile)后,已经更为方便和快速了。