
An argument between two drivers over a parking space at a carpark ended up with a bruised face and a near-miss “accident” for one.

The incident is said to had happened at carpark of Parkland Green, East Coast Park on 30 May (Saturday) around 6:10pm.

Mr Yak was waiting for a parking lot after dropping off his wife and kids at the car park when a silver colored car came driving in against the flow of traffic.

The car then parked in front of the space that Mr Yak was waiting for with his hazard light turned on. As a result, Mr Yak drove his car forward, in front of the silver colored car and wound down his car window to confront the driver.

The driver in the silver colored car is said to be a middle-aged Caucasian, about 35 years old. And there were two kids seated at the back of the car.

According to Mr Yak, the driver came down from his car and starting scolding him, “an idiot for being slow” resulting in an argument between the two. All of a sudden, the driver punched him through the car’s window and walked back to his car.

The force of the punch was so great that it broke Mr Yak’s glasses and resulted in bleeding of his face.

Despite being stunned from the punch, Mr Yak hurried down from his car and tried to take down the other car’s license plate number.

“I came down from the car and tried to take down his car number. I stood in front of his car and he just stepped on the accelerator, trying to run me over while escaping.” said Mr Yak.

He added, “Eyewitness told me his car plate was SGC9154K, but I am not 100%,” There was no video camera on his dashboard to record the incident.

Mr Yak was subsequently treated at Changi Hospital for his injuries.

Mr Yak recalled that there were some people around the area, as the car park was situated just in front of the Starbucks and St Marc cafe. He is, however, uncertain if there was any closed-circuit surveillance in the area as there was no electronic gantry at the carpark.

He has since made a police report on his assault and beseech for eyewitness of the incident to come forward and give an account of the incident. People with information can write into TOC at [email protected] to link up with Mr Yak.

TOC has written to the police on the reported case and will update here when they have replied.

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