
Travellers from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will no longer need to apply for a visa each time they visit Singapore.

From June, their Multiple Journey Visas can be extended for a maximum of 10-years.

The change was announced by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) on Friday in a statement.

“The same facility will also be extended to his spouse and children below the age of 21, if the main applicant is eligible,” the ICA said.

“The visa application process and processing fee remain unchanged. As with MJVs offered to other nationals under Singapore’s visa framework, PRC nationals with a valid MJV need not apply for a visa each time they visit Singapore.”

The ICA said the move “will provide greater convenience for PRC nationals, especially business travellers, who travel often to Singapore.”

“Eligible applicants will also be able to use the automated immigration clearance at Singapore’s checkpoints,” it added. “More details will be announced at a later date.”

The ICA also said that eligible travellers will automatically be granted a visa validity period of up to 10 years when they apply for a visa. They would thus not need to apply separately for a Multiple Journey Visa.

The ICA added, “Generally, PRC nationals will be considered for the 10-year MJV if they have previously visited Singapore and their visa application is supported by relevant Singapore agencies.”

However, it said that every visa application will be assessed on its own merits for eligibility, and the validity period of the approved visa can vary.

In the previous system, the holders of a MJV are permitted to enter Singapore as often as required within the validity period of the visa.

“The holder may stay from 14 to 30 days per visit, depending on the mode of arrival,” the Economic Development Board website said.

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