5732823356_death_penalty_xlargeIndonesia is believed to have executed eight drug traffickers and spared one today, according to international media reports.

The Indonesian government has not confirmed the executions, usually done by firing squad, but Indonesian media has cited official unidentified sources.

Those executed include two Australians – Muyuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan; four Nigerians – Martin Anderson, Jamiu Owolabi Abashin, Syvester Obiekwe Nwolise and Okwudili Oyatanze; one Brazilian – Rodigo Gularte; and one Indonesian – Zainal Abidin bin Mahmud Badarudin.

Filipino Mary Jane Veloso was spared after someone suspected of recruiting her and tricking her into carrying drugs to Indonesia turned themselves in to authorities in the Philippines. This was confirmed in a text message from Indonesian attorney-general spokesman Tony Spontana to ABC News.

Ms Veloso was believed to have been duped into carrying drugs as you transited borders from Malaysia to Indonesia for a job opportunity. She had denied knowing that the recruiter had sewn the drugs into the lining of her suitcase.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott called the executions of Sukumaran and Chan, who were convicted as ringleaders of a heroin-trafficking gang, “both cruel and unnecessary.”

“Cruel because both Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran spent some decade in jail before being executed and unnecessary because both of these young Australians were fully rehabilitated while in prison,” he said.

Mr Abbott also announced that Australia would recall its Indonesian ambassador, Paul Gibson, for consultations.

Tony Abbott (image - Bloomberg)
Tony Abbott (image – Bloomberg)

“We respect Indonesia’s sovereignty, but we do deplore what’s been done, and this cannot be simply business as usual,” said Mr Abbott.

Sukumaran and Chan were part of the Bali Nine convicted in 2006 for trafficking drugs across the Australian-Indonesian border.

London-based human rights watchdog Amnesty International also condemned Jakarta’s execution of the prisoners, and called on Canberra to continue speaking out against capital punishment.

“These executions are utterly reprehensible – they were carried out with complete disregard for internationally recognized safeguards on the use of the death penalty,” said Rupert Abbott, Amnesty International’s Research Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

“President Joko Widodo should immediately abandon plans to carry out further executions and impose a moratorium on the death penalty as a first step towards abolition.”

Adapted from media sources.

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