
The principal of Anglo-Chinese School (Barker), Peter Tan, is in the spotlight for an email he sent out to parents allegedly asking them to encourage their sons to sell and purchase carnival tickets.

In his letter, e-mailed to all parents and uploaded on the school website, principal Peter Tan said: “As I told the boys, their effort in selling coupons reflects on their attitude. It is less an issue of ‘rich’ friends or relatives, but their willingness to step out of their comfort zone.”

A mother, incensed by the email, informed the media.

“The letter worked me up so much that I couldn’t sleep. You cannot force people to donate,” the mother said.

The Straits Times reports:

In the letter, Mr Tan also recommended that each boy buy $50 worth of tickets for themselves to use at the carnival, which will have food, drinks and games stalls.

He called on parents to help out at the carnival. “Extra pairs of hands ready and willing to help that day would be great! For instance, we have a parent who has offered to drive in his Ferrari and Maserati to add to the carnival atmosphere,” he wrote.

Each boy was given 20 tickets to sell, with each costing $10. One ticket is made up of five $2 coupons, which cannot be sold individually.

ACS (Barker) vice-principal John Wu, however, said:

“There is no compulsion for students to sell or buy up all their coupons.”

He said that funds raised would support various school programmes and improvement works.

He explained that the school has “always ensured that students understand the significance of the school’s fund-raising efforts as a way to make a difference and give back to society”.

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日前因不戴口罩、搭霸王车还三度攻击德士司机的20岁女子,已经被警方捕获。 本社报导,一名女乘客在宏茂桥10道第417座,不仅不戴口罩,还三度攻击德士司机后逃走,司机儿子在网络上公开样貌,揪出女乘客。 据网友指出,女乘客在搭车时向父亲借了电话,并一路拨打了好几通电话,似乎与电话另一头的人吵架,随后在抵达目的后告诉父亲在原地等候,父亲觉得可疑便跟踪了她,还和她起了冲突,女乘客三度攻击父亲,所幸并未有受伤。 警方昨日(16日)晚间发文告指出,在接到报案后,警方也很快地确认了女子身份,并于同日下午3点20分左右在吉真那路(Kitchener Road)逮捕她。 警方也相信女子在此前涉及一些乘搭霸王车的事件,目前正在侦办中。 当局也表示将援引《冠病19(临时措施)(管制令)条例2020》下,对女子进行调查。 此外,陆路交通管理局和公共交通理事会也将会调查她涉嫌逃避付费的案件。 鲁莽行为造成他人伤害罪可被判处最长一年监禁或罚款最高5000元,或两者兼施。不缴付德士费则可被罚款最高1000元;如属重犯,则可被罚款最高2000元或监禁六个月,或两者兼施。

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