Teo Ser Luck speaking at the abovementioned PAP Rally in 2011

In a Facebook post, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Teo Ser Luck dedicated a workout he just completed to former Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew, which he created and named “LKY91”, as a tribute to the elderly statesman who passed away on Monday, 23 March.

The contentious Facebook post that attracted flak from netizens

Mr Teo’s tribute, however, did not go down too well among his fans. When the Strait Times later shared his post, the number of commenters who felt that the ‘tribute’ was “distasteful” also grew in number. In fact, it drew so much flak that he deleted the post soon after.

Some, like Mr Benny and Ms Li also drew comparisons between Ministers who were under Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s Government and the current slate of Ministers and lamented at the “type of Ministers we have now.”


Ms Li also added that, in her opinion, Mr Lee Kuan Yew would “prefer ministers to think of ways to improve the country, rather than waste time.”


“Your pay this month should be $91,” another comment read.

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Others remarked that it represented nothing less than an act of “personal glorification” and “self promotion.”


Others who were evidently infuriated by the Minister’s post suggested that Mr Teo should head to “Pinnacle @ Duxton and shout his (Mr Lee’s) name 91 times.”


This, of course, was a sarcastic reference to a PAP Rally in 2011 where, in an effort to rally the crowd, Mr Teo called for supporters to give three cheers to his fellow party members and himself.

Teo Ser Luck speaking at the abovementioned PAP Rally in 2011
Teo Ser Luck speaking at the aforementioned PAP Rally in 2011
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