By Think Centre

thinkcentreMr. Lee Kuan Yew was a visionary who inspired a team of exceptional men and a whole generation of Singaporeans to modernize and develop the country. They made Singapore relevant to the rest of the world by plugging the country into the global economy and fought to have the best infrastructure like an international airport, a seaport and telecommunications very early in the game. Because of these foundations firmly entrenched, the country was resilient enough to weather the many economic challenges ahead.

Today, many respect the first generation of Singaporeans and their leaders, chief among them was Lee Kuan Yew. Together with Toh Chin Chye, Goh Keng Swee, S. Rajaratnam and many others, they envisioned building a society that strove for full employment and decent income for workers while developing housing, hospitals, schools, and sanitation for its residents.

However, as with the history of many successful leaders, these gains came at a great price. Mr. Lee was not above Machiavellian methods to achieve his aims. He openly employed the very tactics he accused the Marshall government of using to oppress its opponents. He broke the media, unions and civil society with his scant regards for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Those who were perceived as a threat were detained without trial or recourse to justice under the Internal Security Act. Debate still surrounds the innocence of many of these students, teachers, social workers, and unionists. Later he even developed the process of bankrupting his political opponents through defamation suits into a fine art, sending a chilling effect across society and suppressing dissent with a violence that is not dissimilar to those countries which deployed secret police and sending social and political activists into exile.

Contention over what was done right or wrong will also continue to be debated by historians and future generations. Many ordinary citizens were also not happy with his tight control over their social behavior, with campaigns from brushing teeth to flushing toilets after use, banning chewing gum, fines for those who litter, caning those who painted graffiti on public property and population control policies. It is undeniable that Singapore is well regarded by the international community for its open economy and achievements. We should now focus on taking care of those whom we have left behind in the name of progress.

With Mr. Lee Kwan Yew’s passing, we hope Singaporeans will face a new era with courage to unshackle themselves from the fears of our past. Building upon our existing foundations, we must march into the future with confidence, while engendering our society with greater respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, to reclaim the original vision of our forefathers, for democracy, equality, justice, and peace. One where everyone enjoys decent work, non-discrimination, and more humane and equal treatment of our fellow residents, leading us toward a more caring society and together with all our neighbours in ASEAN, share in sustainable prosperity.

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卡尔顿酒店电力站火患 七地铁站部分中部地区一度停电

昨日(14日)下午一时许,卡尔顿酒店电力站因设备故障而引起火患,本地中部一些地区:政府大厦、武吉士、滨海和索美塞等,以及东北线七个地铁站的电供也受影响。 新能源在脸书发文表示,初步调查显示,卡尔顿酒店的电力站设备发生故障,造成闪燃而引发火患。不过,周边受影响停电地区的电供在12分钟后就成功恢复。 有民众反映,事发时酒店突然传出巨响,接着电供就中断。酒店内也有住客被困在电梯中约一分钟,电梯门才打开。 卡尔顿酒店的停电事故,也令百胜楼的住家停电,居民从那里也能看见酒店冒出黑烟。 至于七个地铁站:港湾、欧南园、牛车水、克拉码头、多美歌、文庆和波动巴西,虽面对电供中断,仍能启用紧急照明灯,停电维持了25分钟,不过不影响地铁列车服务。 新加坡民防部队在脸书发文证实,火患发生于昨日下午1时15分,惟民防人员到场后用多个灭火器,成功把火势控制在电房内。有近千人从酒店大楼疏散,火患也未造成伤亡。不过起火肇因仍在调查中。 新能源在昨晚7时56分时更新,卡尔顿酒店的电供在傍晚6时34分恢复,对于电供受影响地区致歉。 与此同时,新能源表示,有关出现故障的设备,才刚在本月1好检查过,故此会将这起故障事件,也上月26日发生在光明山的停电事故一并调查。 九个月内第三次发生停电事故 上月26日下午一点半,碧山、汤申、宏茂桥和新民一带突然停电,影响2万7000名住户。贸工部高级政务部长许宝琨医生在周二的国会上指出,这是过去五年来第一起涉及电压互感器故障的停电事故,初步调查显示,电力中断可能和光明山站(Bright Hill)变电站的设备故障有关。 在去年9月18日凌晨,也曾发生一次严重停电,当时停电至少半小时,受波及地区包括:蔡厝港、文礼、金文泰、裕廊、阿裕尼、三巴旺、碧山、海军部、万礼、兀兰、宏茂桥、勿洛、蒙巴登等等,受影响住户多达14万6797人。…

电动滑板车禁令影响生计 约30名快递员集体申诉

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为五月和六月作准备? 选举局:承包商自行选择选举筹备工作

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