archbishop_william_gohArchbishop William has sent condolences on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church in Singapore to PM Lee Hsien Loong and his family.

Dear Prime Minister and Mrs Lee,

The Roman Catholic Church in Singapore and I are with you in your pain as you mourn the loss of your beloved father and father-in-law.

Your father was not only a great statesman.  He was also a good and upright man who lived passionately his calling in life, which was to be a faithful husband, a dedicated father and a visionary leader.

Singapore owes her nationhood to him. As a nation, we have him to thank for everything we are proud to call “Singapore”. Indeed, we count ourselves truly blessed to have had such a giant of a leader at a time when Singapore counted for nothing in the eyes of the world. It now behooves us to protect and to carry on the legacy which he has left us with – a foundation built on honesty, integrity, selfless love, filial piety, commitment and responsibility. This is the highest honour we can give to one who gave his all.

We pray that God will grant your Papa and the founding father of our nation, the rest that he truly deserves, and console you in your time of grief.

All our Catholic churches and communities including myself are offering prayers and Masses for the repose of his soul and for your family in this time of bereavement.

In addition, I will be celebrating a Mass with all my priests and the Catholic Community at St Joseph Church (Victoria Street) on Friday 27th March at 1.15 pm.

May God give you strength and consolation.

Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore

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