
The Singapore Police is investigating two apparent death threats to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong which were posted online on 6 and 7 February.

The police confirmed this to the media on Monday.

The two posts, made on Facebook, are by the page which goes by the name “GM Pheonix” [sic].

In the first post, a photo of a round (bullet) of ammunition followed the short note in which the poster threatened to put the bullet “through your head soon”, referring to Mr Lee.

It also carried another threat – that a bomb had been left at Changi Airport.

In the second post, a photo of a rifle magazine with two bullets in it accompanies a one-line note saying that “everyone deserve [sic] a second chance.”

The poster had also tagged Mr Lee in both posts.

It is unclear who is behind the posts or the reasons for the threats, but reaction from the public to them has been critical.

Under Singapore’s laws, anyone found guilty of criminal intimidation in the form of death threats or grievous hurt can be jailed up to 10 years and fined. (See here.)

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